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Unlike a disc, wax cylinders do not have anywhere to fix a label. Cylinders which were produced in quantity had the title and catalogue number embossed around one end, but this is an uneconomic process for single cylinders or short runs. Cylinder artwork has to be confined to the box and its lid.

Poppy Records cylinders are usually supplied in the boxes and livery of Paul Morris Music but, for a small extra charge, customers may have cylinders supplied in boxes displaying their own artwork.

Paul Morris Music cylinder box

Labels are colour laser printed on 90 gsm paper and affixed with wallpaper paste adhesive which is slippery and allows them to be accurately positioned. This process gives rise to a certain degree of unpredictable swelling and shrinkage as the paper absorbs moisture and then dries out, so the exact degree of overlap when the label is wrapped around the box is difficult to predict. The cardboard tubes also vary slightly in size. For this reason, the artwork in the overlap area should consist of only plain colour background or horizontal lines - if vertical or diagonal lines are used, they may not match correctly with the opposite edge of the label.

The examples below will show what works and what doesn't



The horizontal lines still match up when they are overlapped



The diagonal lines are staggered at the overlap point. The amount of overlap will be different for each box, so this cannot be corrected by altering the slope of the lines.



The vertical lines become unevenly spaced at the overlap point.



The circles are cut at the overlap point.



The pattern does not continue up to the overlap point.



Please supply artwork at 300 dpi.

Click here for a printable template which will be the correct size at 300 dpi
Click here to download a Stuffit file of the template


The lid artwork (if required) must be contained within a 6omm diameter circle

Click here for a 300 dpi printable lid artwork template




More details of the recording process